life. ministry. technology.

What I’d like to say to Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs announced that he will be taking another medical leave of absence from Apple yesterday.  Many are speculating as to just how serious this is, after all, Jobs is a pancreatic cancer survivor.  Steve Jobs is certainly a remarkable man, so much so that when U.S. trading opened today Apple’s stock dipped $20 BILLION (yes, billion with a “B”) according to CrunchBase, only to rally closing just slightly down.  You know your a big deal when your illness dramatically impacts global trading.
I’m an Apple fan.  Their products have shaped my life, to an extent.  Call it a sub-culture, thats fine with me.  Jobs and Woz started Apple when he was 21, that’s a man with vision.  And mad computer skills.  Even more impressive when we remember those skills existed in a world where the personal computer did not.  He invented computer skills.  As much as I respect Steve Jobs, and blindly follow Apple further into the new millennium, hearing of his illness (whatever that illness is) on the radio yesterday and this morning I can’t help but realize his mortality.  We are all but men, even though some are more significant to the news cycle than others.  That put my mind in a place it has often been before concerning Mr. Jobs.  What I would like to express to him is this:
Steve, your an amazing man.  The world is a better place for you having been a part of it, and I hope your a part of it for decades to come.  The truth is, for each of us, we are only a part of it for so long.  I’ve read your a Buddhist, and we live a country that is wonderful enough to give us such a choice.  I would implore you, however, to consider Jesus. Hebrews 9:27-28 says “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that face judgement, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” NIV I’d love to hang out sometime.  Since you’re you and I’m me, it’s not likely to happen this side of heaven, but consider Jesus, and we can have an eternity to bump into each other.
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