life. ministry. technology.

Organized Atheism In Schools

Found this article at this morning, and I have mixed feelings about the truth it displays: atheism is on the rise, and it has our students on it’s radar.

Reading this informative piece, my first response is what you would expect from a youth pastor, evangelical christian, or just plain anyone at all concerned with the eternity of those we share this planet with.  I’m very troubled.  It is tragic enough when people choose to live a life without Christ, but this is group of atheists who are out to gain followers.  For those of us in student ministry, we have a monumental task.  We have so many obstacles already, now the obstacles have organized themselves to campaign against us.

I have to think to myself, though, and realize that part of what makes this campaign possible is the freedom of religion we enjoy in America. The freedom that allows us to reach out to students with the Gospel (with more and more legal restraints) also allows those opposed to it their voice.  Is this crossing the line though?  Should these groups be banned in schools?  Let me be very clear, I absolutely want Secular Student Alliance to stay out of schools.  But how do we do that?

Rev. Barry Lynn

The article quotes Rev. Barry W. Lynn who is the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, lending his support to the atheists.  Rev. Lynn is hardly an evangelical Christian.  He is more a politician that clergyman in my opinion, and an extreme leftist at that.  The Right Reverend has even supported pro-abortion legislation. (source)

Here is what I do know, the Secular Students Alliance, and groups like them are doing our job.  They are often more motivated with falsities than we are with the Truth.  We need to really raise the bar and start reaching some people.  If nothing else, these sort of groups can help us know who to start with.

Please share your thoughts!

2 responses

  1. “Should these groups be banned in schools?”

    If they are, then every religious group of every stripe should be banned as well.

    Freedom of religion is every religion and religious opinion, not just your own.

    February 9, 2011 at 8:51 pm

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