life. ministry. technology.

Book Review:From the Library of A.W. Tozer compiled by James Stuart Bell


FROM THE LIBRARY OF A.W. TOZER compiled by James Stewart Bell is a collection of works.  This library of excerpts are all taken from, as the title implies, from the library of A.W. Tozer, and are those that perhaps influenced him most.

This collection includes many of Christendom’s greatest.  Inside you will find works from:

  • Augustine of Hippo
  • D. L. Moody
  • C. S. Lewis
  • Brother Lawrence
  • George Mueller
  • John Calvin
  • John Knox

These are just a few of the authors of the works within this collection.

This book is considerably long, but as a small library of books in it’s own right is not intended to be read as a normal book would.  From the author:

“One way to use this book is to make it a part of your daily devotional experience. Consider reading one excerpt each day, along with a passage of Scripture.  As you do, be sure to allow yourself times of silent reflection in order to think about what each author is communicating (as was Tozer’s custom).”

This book is an excellent addition to any Christian’s library.

This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for this review.


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