life. ministry. technology.

Jesus Paid It All


crossIt is critical to understand that Jesus’ death on the cross was a voluntary surrender to redeem you and I.  The willful self-sacrifice of Jesus is representative of how we must come to accept that salvation.  That does not make it easy, mind you.  Jesus knew why he had come, to do the will of his Father who sent him.  Jesus alluded to his death, burial, and resurrection repeatedly during his ministry, but as the hour drew close he prayed that God would, if it were His will, take that cup from him.  We do the same, you know.  Only we are not facing our own execution for crimes of which we are innocent.  We say, “God, please this.”  and “God, I can’t do that.  Something else, please!”  Or worse, “God, I refuse.”  I do not believe it wrong to ask God for another way, place, or time.  Jesus did.  We cannot ignore the remaining fact, however.  Jesus asked if there might be another way, and then displayed plainly his motive when he prayed, “Not my will but yours be done.”  Jesus told his Father that if there was another way he would be glad to hear it, but also stood resolute that whatever God’s will was, that is what he would do.  When God again affirmed that the sacrifice of the cross was the only means to save mankind, Jesus willingly accepted.  To understand that is to understand the salvation available to you and I.  We must WILLINGLY accept what Jesus offers through his WILLING sacrifice.  Jesus knew God’s will, but could have chosen to ignore it.  (Aren’t I glad he did not…)  We can know the facts of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, but if we chose to ignore it we have not salvation.  We must willingly respond by, in light of his choice to redeem us with his own life accepting Jesus’ gift of salvation by making him Lord of our lives.

3 responses

  1. I think we are quick to accept His salvation, but not nearly as quick to make Him Lord of our lives. Submitting to Him as Lord means we lay down our will and our desires for our life and pick up His. Blessings!

    January 10, 2013 at 10:26 pm

  2. Wow, this post is very convicting. How often do I find myself complaining about my situations. Thank the Lord, nothing I have encountered so far has required me to physically die, bu yet I still complain… :/
    Maybe you’d like my blog as much as I like yours? It’s my reactions and thoughts as I read along in the devotional Jesus Calling. 🙂

    January 10, 2013 at 10:37 pm

  3. I agree with Shelly. Too many use Jesus’ sacrifice as a “get out of hell free” card and don’t even try to understand the extent of what he actually did and what it means. It blows my mind whenever I think about it! Thanks for the post!


    January 10, 2013 at 10:43 pm

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