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From The Acts of The Apostles

Crucifixion_saint_andrewReading the Book of Acts a clear contrast surfaces between the early church and the American church of today.  There is an exception that proves every rule, they say, so this opinion of mine is not meant to include every single church in the land, but I do believe it true of the lion’s share.  The early church, as it existed before committees and business meetings, cantatas and 5th Sundays, steeples and Robert’s Rules of Order was motivated by two things: the discipleship of current believers and the evangelism of those who were not.  The same holds true of today’s church (universal), on paper at least.

What is the standard-issue church of 2013 passionate about?  Ok, let’s be honest, most of 2013 churches are actually 1879 churches.  Where else but the church would you find an organization more reluctant to change a single detail?  Not theological details mind you, I’m referring to the refusal of First Baptist Church of Everytown, U.S.A. to so much as update a floor tile.  The church today looks remarkably different that the masses it desires to reach, but no so in the early days.  Perhaps that is why thousands came to salvation following Peter’s sermons (do you think he had his three points and a poem?)
We see the sort of personal sacrifice in the early church that is quite rare today.  Perhaps less common is the motive.  Those of the early church sacrificed so that many would know not only the name of Jesus but know him as Saviour.  The early church gave their very lives to this end.  What am I giving today?

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