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Posts tagged “a brief history of time

Response to Mr. Stephen Hawking

Just watched the premier of CURIOSITY on THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL.  This pilot episode, if that is what they are calling it, featured the renown Professor Stephen Hawking and his attempt to answer the question, “Did GOD create the universe?”

I found Prof. Hawking’s responses a bit under-whelming to be completely honest.  Without giving a transcript of the entire hour long episode, let me summarize the prevailing point made on the program:

God cannot have created the universe, nor can He exist at all, because prior to an assumption called the “big bang” there was no time for Him to exist in.

That’s it.  This is the best argument that is offered from what the scientific community seems to agree is the greatest mind since Einstein.  There must not be a God in Heaven because time is conceivably limited.  I really thought there would be more to it.  It reminds me of the rare occasions I decide to do some deep cleaning or rearrange a room.  I dig in and drag everything out for a big undertaking, and then loose interest and shove everything back where it was.  Mr. Hawking celebrates saying it has taken 3000 years of human history to bring us to this milestone, the place where we no longer need to invent “gods” to explain the universe, then seems to loose interest and throw out a ludicrous rationale.  The scientific world now enjoys a bully pulpit of sorts, and anyone who would dare oppose these smarter than you types is dubbed a rare breed of idiot.  Well, somehow I manage to cross the street all by myself, but I cannot understand this “no time before bang” explanation.

Humor me a moment.  Let’s say, for sake of discussion, the GOD of the Bible is real. Why would He be bound by time?  Realize that time is not a tangible thing.  In fact time is only a human concept invented to explain a given number of earth’s trips around the sun.  It is not something GOD or anyone or anything else can exist inside of.  The Professor tries to explain himself with an analogy of a clock entering a black hole.  Because of the black hole’s intense gravity, time stands still. Clearly, if time is standing still, then the clock would stop it’s motion.  If this is the best conclusion the guys in white lab coats can draw, my faith is unshaken.  Mr. Hawking, a clock is not the engine of time, it is simply a mechanical device which moves predictably.  Time is a measurement, so cannot screech to a halt because of gravity.  If we would agree that time is measure of the earth’s orbit, then for time to stop the earth must stop… Maybe you get it.  I do not.