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Posts tagged “strength

From 1 Corinthians

I am a fool.  A weak fool.  I am not of noble birth nor influential.  I have not much about which to boast – save Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians reminds me that at have no cause for pride.  I have done nothing to earn the assurance I own.  It is easy to forget that outside of Jesus we are worthless, that we deserve death and hell.

Paul tells us “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.”  This is irony in its highest form.  The “world” is perishing.  It is lost and traveling easily the “wide road” that leads to destruction, and the very cure seems foolish to those who do not know of or deny the destruction that waits to seize them.
It is because of God that I am in Christ Jesus, who has become for me the wisdom of God.  Being reminded of what I was when I was called, I was no one and nothing.  The only thing I had produced for myself was a debt of sin I could not pay.  But through Christ whom I have accepted as Lord and Saviour, I am called to share his “foolishness” with the world, that foolishness that is wiser than man’s wisdom and his weakness, stronger than man’s strength.