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Posts tagged “Thomas Nelson

Book Review: Doing Virtuous Business by Theodore Malloch


Another book, another review.  This time is DOING VIRTUOUS BUSINESS by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch.  I’ll be upfront, if your not terribly interested in economics or business dealings, you’ll not likely find the offering very entertaining.  It is necessarily technical.

Malloch seeks to answer many of the critics of capitalism, those who say it is the root of many evils.  Furthermore the author outlines how faith can, and should be at the helm of each business dealing.

In the interest of full disclosure, the author is a self-proclaimed Christian, but does not cling to any one specific faith for his vantage, it is clearly Malloch’s intent to illustrate how the moral compass common to all major faiths will, when added to a business model, meet with success.

Book Review: Fasting by Scott Mcknight


Another book, another book review.  This one was sent by the awesome people at Thomas Nelson, and is titled FASTING, by SCOTT MCKNIGHT.  This book is one is a group called The Ancient Practices Series created by Phyllis Tickle.  I reviewed another book in this series, Tithing by a different author not long ago.

I must be honest, and to be honest I must say I was not impressed with FASTING. To begin with, the theology of the book is Catholic in origin, and as a evangelical protestant I simply do not agree with much of it.  Among the doctrinal disagreements between us are quoting Didache as scripture and the Catholic teachings on celibacy.  I know this may be a “to each his own” argument,  but it’s not for me.

Next, this book is rather difficult to follow.  The author has basically created his own fasting language.  McKnight has coined a number of verbs to describe fasting, and each chapter is called after one such term.  Here they are, perhaps they make more sense to you:

  • Fasting as Body Talk
  • Fasting as Body Turning
  • Fasting as Body Plea
  • Fasting as Body Grief
  • Fasting as Body Discipline
  • Fasting as Body Calendar
  • Fasting as Body Poverty
  • Fasting as Body Contact
  • Fasting as Body Hope

I didn’t really get it.  I found it hard to follow, and truly couldn’t wait until it was over.  There is not much else to say…

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for this review.