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Posts tagged “WWDC

A Bold Prediction Concerning WWDC

Apple kicks off the WWDC today with the much anticipated Keynote at 12:00PM central. The announcement that the man himself, legendary Steve Jobs will deliver the Keynote in spite of a medical leave has many excited, but virtually everyone agrees there will be no iPhone announcement today.

There is still unprecedented interest in exactly what Apple will unveil today. We know a new iCloud initiative will be discussed (though we are not at all certain what iCloud will entail). We know that iOS 5 will be a major focus. We have reason to think the latest OS X offering, Lion will be previewed and perhaps even made available, but the world stands resolute proclaiming with seemingly with one voice that this year’s WWDC will feature no new hardware.

Count me out. I am clinging to a hope, and sneaking suspicion that today we will see a “one more thing” that yields the next generation iPhone. How huge would that be? Think about it, that’s Apple’s style. That’s one of the many things that makes Apple who they are, and I’m willing to be the only voice calling out, “Don’t count new iPhone out just yet.”
